The Liberals’ problem with women is simple:the men block their path

The Liberals’ problem with women is simple:the men block their path

A generation of young women who try to enter conservative politics end up walking away,disillusioned and often angry at the school cadet camp ambience.

  • byJon Faine


End nears for Victoria’s Belt and Road deal under foreign veto laws

End nears for Victoria’s Belt and Road deal under foreign veto laws

Victoria’s controversial tie-up with Chinese government faces being torn up within months after the state government provided documentation to Canberra.

  • byAnthony Galloway andMichael Fowler
Labor says Morrison government'dropped the ball'on Chinese fishing facility in PNG

Labor says Morrison government'dropped the ball'on Chinese fishing facility in PNG

Labor wants the Morrison government to guarantee a proposed Chinese fish facility on Australia's doorstep will not threaten national security.

  • byAnthony Galloway
China ties should be about jobs,Andrews tells Canberra

China ties should be about jobs,Andrews tells Canberra

Prime Minister will push ahead with its plans for Victoria's controversial China deal as Andrews urges Commonwealth to make the relationship about jobs.

  • byNoel Towell
'That's not leadership':Andrews warns cutting Belt and Road will hurt Australian business

'That's not leadership':Andrews warns cutting Belt and Road will hurt Australian business

The Victorian Premier says any federal government move to tear up the state's trade deal with China will only escalate tensions with Beijing.

  • byMichael Fowler
Canberra turns spotlight on Victoria's Belt and Road deal as veto laws pass

Canberra turns spotlight on Victoria's Belt and Road deal as veto laws pass

The federal government scrutiny comes as one of Australia's top national security academics says states must better equip themselves to tackle foreign influence.

  • byMichael Fowler,Anthony Galloway andBenjamin Preiss
Victoria's Belt and Road deal could go within months as federal bill passes

Victoria's Belt and Road deal could go within months as federal bill passes

The Andrews government will likely be asked to explain its Belt and Road deal after the federal government gained the power to scrap agreements between states and foreign governments.

  • byMichael Fowler andAnthony Galloway
China's tweet'wrong',Andrews says,but Belt and Road deal stays

China's tweet'wrong',Andrews says,but Belt and Road deal stays

The Premier has denounced a propaganda image shared by a Chinese official,but says it would have no impact on Victoria's Belt and Road agreement with Beijing.

  • byMichael Fowler andLiam Mannix
'If you make China the enemy,China will be the enemy':Beijing's fresh threat to Australia

'If you make China the enemy,China will be the enemy':Beijing's fresh threat to Australia

A deliberately leaked Chinese government document has laid out 14 disputes aimed at pressuring the Morrison government to reverse Australia’s position on key policies.

  • byJonathan Kearsley,Eryk Bagshaw andAnthony Galloway
NSW dragged into Victoria's Chinese train building scandal

NSW dragged into Victoria's Chinese train building scandal

Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews has defended his state's procurement of trains from a Chinese company linked to Uighur labour,saying NSW has been doing it for years.

  • byTom Rabe andPaul Sakkal
Victorian train deal with blacklisted Belt and Road firm referred to corruption watchdog,auditor

Victorian train deal with blacklisted Belt and Road firm referred to corruption watchdog,auditor

The state opposition has raised probity concerns with the train deal as Premier Daniel Andrews addressed reports the Chinese company was benefiting from Uighur labour.

  • byPaul Sakkal