Chinese fishing fleet goes dark near Galapagos

Chinese fishing fleet goes dark near Galapagos

The Ecuador government is trying to prevent unsustainable fishing off its coast while also avoiding a confrontation with its largest financier.

  • byYuri Garcia


Fleet of Chinese boats fishing near Galapagos,Ecuador on alert

Fleet of Chinese boats fishing near Galapagos,Ecuador on alert

The fleet,one of the biggest seen in years off South America's Pacific coast,is likely to fish with minimal monitoring until its holds are full.

  • byGonzalo Solano andChristopher Torchia
Government'working around the clock'to get stranded Australians home

Government'working around the clock'to get stranded Australians home

The announcement follows DFAT's warning that Australians trapped overseas will be forced to stay where they are for"a longer period until departure can be arranged or border closures are lifted".

  • byLaura Chung,Sally Rawsthorne andAnthony Galloway
Imbabura province,Ecuador:Where to find the spectacled bears of South America

Imbabura province,Ecuador:Where to find the spectacled bears of South America

Spotting"Paddington"in northern Ecuador's Andean region.

  • byRob McFarland
Ecuadorian children race llamas to save national park

Ecuadorian children race llamas to save national park

The park is famed for dramatic Andean vistas. The race,whose youngest rider was not even three years old,took place at altitudes nearing 4500 metres.

Illa Experience Hotel,Quito:Former Noma chef the star attraction at this grand hotel

Illa Experience Hotel,Quito:Former Noma chef the star attraction at this grand hotel

Get interactive with a stay at Quito's boutique Illa Experience Hotel.

  • byRob McFarland
Love him or hate him or simply don't care,Julian Assange's fight for freedom concerns us all

Love him or hate him or simply don't care,Julian Assange's fight for freedom concerns us all

After a decade defying the authorities,Wikileaks founder Julian Assange is finally set to face court. Is democracy at stake,like his supporters say?

  • byAmanda Hooton
Curfew in Bogota as Latin American anti-government rage spreads

Curfew in Bogota as Latin American anti-government rage spreads

The mayor's office instituted a city-wide curfew,as demonstrators clashed with security forces a day after a nationwide strike.

  • byEzra Fieser andOscar Medina
Plenty of reasons to be angry:Now Colombians take to the streets

Plenty of reasons to be angry:Now Colombians take to the streets

Colombians angry with their President and hoping to channel Latin America's wave of discontent have staged in one of the biggest protests in recent history.

  • byChristine Armario andCesar Garcia
Galapagos Islands,Ecuador:What to do about too many tourists?

Galapagos Islands,Ecuador:What to do about too many tourists?

It is supposed to study nature but The Charles Darwin Foundation is increasingly looking at how to curb overtourism.

  • byRob McFarland
Ecuadorians return to the streets of Quito after a weekend of violence

Ecuadorians return to the streets of Quito after a weekend of violence

The protests have paralysed Ecuador's economy and cut off more than half of the country's production of oil,Ecuador's most important export.