Taxpayer funds approved for Morrison’s robo-debt royal commission appearance

Taxpayer funds approved for Morrison’s robo-debt royal commission appearance

The attorney-general said it was appropriate to provide financial assistance for Scott Morrison,given the inquiry related to his former duties as social services minister,treasurer and prime minister.

  • byAngus Thompson


Floods result of decades of political climate inaction

Floods result of decades of political climate inaction

Surely country and regional people will now realise the disaster of a near decade of neglect on climate action and hold the federal coalition to account.

Stuart Ayres faces world of financial Payne

Stuart Ayres faces world of financial Payne

It’s been a rough few months for Stuart Ayres and Marise Payne,once the NSW Liberals’ great power couple.

  • byKishor Napier-Raman andNoel Towell
Liberals workshop replacements for Scott Morrison,Marise Payne
Liberal Party

Liberals workshop replacements for Scott Morrison,Marise Payne

Neither the former prime minister nor the former foreign minister has announced plans to stand down,but colleagues are making plans.

  • byJames Massola
Let’s party like it’s 1999 as republicans get a federal Labor boost

Let’s party like it’s 1999 as republicans get a federal Labor boost

Meanwhile,the monarchists insist a new wave of young royalists is coming through to defend the royal family.

  • byKishor Napier-Raman andNoel Towell
Angus Taylor favourite to be shadow treasurer under Dutton

Angus Taylor favourite to be shadow treasurer under Dutton

The former energy minister is the leading frontrunner to be appointed to the shadow treasury portfolio in a Peter Dutton led Liberal team,while former foreign minister Marise Payne looks to step down from the frontbench.

  • byAnthony Galloway
Marise Payne was warned flight caps would strand thousands of Australians overseas

Marise Payne was warned flight caps would strand thousands of Australians overseas

A new document shows Australia’s high commissioner to the UK explicitly warned the foreign affairs minister that quarantine caps would leave citizens stranded.

  • byLatika Bourke
Liberal MPs accuse DFAT of leaking against the government

Liberal MPs accuse DFAT of leaking against the government

Prime Minister Scott Morrison implied the public service was the source of a leak,but then pivoted to saying the report might not be correct.

  • byAnthony Galloway andJames Massola
If Morrison wins the election,he needs a new foreign minister

If Morrison wins the election,he needs a new foreign minister

Scott Morrison has felt the need to single out Marise Payne for praise. In fact,she has been a weak link.

  • The Herald's View
The Coalition is now losing the debate on national security and China

The Coalition is now losing the debate on national security and China

National security had been seen as one of the Coalition’s biggest strengths heading into the election.

  • byAnthony Galloway
Downer ‘disappointed’ in Payne for leaving UK post vacant during Queen’s Platinum Jubilee

Downer ‘disappointed’ in Payne for leaving UK post vacant during Queen’s Platinum Jubilee

The Australian government has allowed the post of High Commissioner to the UK to fall vacant during the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee.

  • byLatika Bourke