Money with Jess:Week 2 Budgeting Guide - Household

Money with Jess:Week 2 Budgeting Guide - Household

Download this printable PDF worksheet to continue your journey towards creating your own household budget.

  • byJessica Irvine


My top five mortgage tips that could help you save thousands

My top five mortgage tips that could help you save thousands

It’s the first week of my 10-week series on identifying your household spending. Knowing where your money goes is key to financial success.

  • byJessica Irvine
Money with Jess:Week 1 Budgeting Guide - HOUSING

Money with Jess:Week 1 Budgeting Guide - HOUSING

Download this printable PDF worksheet to begin your journey towards creating your own household budget.

  • byJessica Irvine
Money with Jess:Spending Tracker

Money with Jess:Spending Tracker

Keep track of where your money is going with this spreadsheet that you can download and print.

  • byJessica Irvine
10 budgeting categories you need to know to get your finances in order

10 budgeting categories you need to know to get your finances in order

In the darkness of my home study,I’ve created the one spreadsheet to rule them all.

  • byJessica Irvine
New Year's money resolution that could change your life

New Year's money resolution that could change your life

Taking stock of your household spending is key to controlling your financial future.

  • byJessica Irvine
20 ways I learnt to save some extra money this year

20 ways I learnt to save some extra money this year

I’ve made several tweaks to my household budget – most notably,actually having one – to get ahead in these tough times. You should,too.

  • byJessica Irvine
How I made nearly $3000 this year by turning my clutter into cash

How I made nearly $3000 this year by turning my clutter into cash

Thanks to technology,there has never been a better time to turn your clutter into cash.

  • byJessica Irvine
Do you have enough super? The answer might surprise you

Do you have enough super? The answer might surprise you

The fact that so many Australians die with significant unused assets suggests many are either scrimping too much or working too hard during their working lives.

  • byJessica Irvine
Should your home loan interest rate have a'1'in front? Maybe …

Should your home loan interest rate have a'1'in front? Maybe …

If you have a mortgage that has a “3” in front you should take immediate action,even if it’s only to call your lender to ask for an interest-rate reduction.

  • byJessica Irvine
5 things big energy retailers don't want you to know about your bills

5 things big energy retailers don't want you to know about your bills

If you haven’t changed energy retailers for a few years,you are sitting on their back books. That’s not a good thing.

  • byJessica Irvine