PM calls for kinder,gentler behaviour ... and goes for the jugular

PM calls for kinder,gentler behaviour ... and goes for the jugular

Scott Morrison told a media conference that standards of behaviour in Parliament must improve. Soon after there was a wild squall of verbal slurs in question time.

  • byTony Wright


Does a calendar mean anything in PM Morrison’s world?

Does a calendar mean anything in PM Morrison’s world?

Next year’s parliamentary sittings calendar suggests a May federal election,but does anyone believe anything in Canberra these days?

  • byTony Wright
Barnaby champions his hometown mayor,condemning Labor ‘snobs’

Barnaby champions his hometown mayor,condemning Labor ‘snobs’

Barnaby Joyce knows all about weaponising the country-city divide,and a question about the Mayor of Tamworth gave him a perfect opportunity.

  • byTony Wright
Scott Morrison’s ill-fated holiday in Hawaii burns him again

Scott Morrison’s ill-fated holiday in Hawaii burns him again

Prime Minister Scott Morrison has to explain how he misled parliament over his trip two years ago to Hawaii.

  • byTony Wright
For born-again Deputy PM Barnaby Joyce,the past is another planet

For born-again Deputy PM Barnaby Joyce,the past is another planet

The newly-anointed Deputy Prime Minister is freed by parliament’s arcane rules from the bother of answering questions about his previous views.

  • byTony Wright
How Barnaby found himself – briefly – up the Darling without a paddle

How Barnaby found himself – briefly – up the Darling without a paddle

One day into his new job and Barnaby Joyce had an impossible choice – resign as Deputy PM or vote against the party he leads.

  • byTony Wright
Hey Dad,are you really the second most powerful man in Australia?

Hey Dad,are you really the second most powerful man in Australia?

Barnaby Joyce is sworn in as Deputy Prime Minister,in a singularly Barnaby way of doing things.

  • byTony Wright
Buckle up. Sky Pilot Barnaby’s gone full circle

Buckle up. Sky Pilot Barnaby’s gone full circle

The country party,run for almost half a century by tough and steady old-fashioned names like Arty Fadden,Black Jack McEwen and Doug Anthony,has a tear-away named Barnaby at the driving wheel - again.

  • byTony Wright
Josh Frydenberg is rolling in the red,and mighty proud of it

Josh Frydenberg is rolling in the red,and mighty proud of it

Treasurer Josh Frydenberg,delivering a budget of record deficit and debt,seeks to turn adversity to advantage.

  • byTony Wright
Once suicidal,Christine Holgate re-emerges to damn powerful men

Once suicidal,Christine Holgate re-emerges to damn powerful men

The former chief executive of Australia Post is the latest strong woman to produce evidence of being wronged by Australia’s political culture.

  • byTony Wright
Lazarus Rising again:Labor MP’s cheeky stunt to keep pressure on

Lazarus Rising again:Labor MP’s cheeky stunt to keep pressure on

Labor MP Joel Fitzgibbon enlisted the help of John Howard to remind his leader Anthony Albanese that nothing lasts forever.

  • byTony Wright