China plans to end tariffs on Australia’s wines

China plans to end tariffs on Australia’s wines

China lifted tariffs on Australian barley in August last year following a similar process,after Labor paused a WTO dispute in exchange for a review.


China’s moment to confront its demons has arrived

China’s moment to confront its demons has arrived

This week we’ll have a clearer idea of whether Xi Jinping has a plan to deal with the myriad economic problems facing the country.

  • byStephen Bartholomeusz
Donald Trump’s attack on China might backfire

Donald Trump’s attack on China might backfire

America’s trade wars have turned into a game of whack a mole,and Donald Trump wants to ramp them up if he gets back in office. Its citizens may pay the price.

  • byStephen Bartholomeusz
China has flooded the world with cars. It’s hurting everyone

China has flooded the world with cars. It’s hurting everyone

China’s plan to dominate the electric car industry is part of a long-term strategy. But it’s creating problems for Beijing and the rest of the world.

  • byStephen Bartholomeusz
Trump’s flair for the absurd risks a new era of economic upheaval

Trump’s flair for the absurd risks a new era of economic upheaval

The Trump circus is in full swing without a clear economic plan. It may catch up with him.

  • byKate Andrews
Trump’s plan to unleash more chaos on the world

Trump’s plan to unleash more chaos on the world

If you thought Donald Trump’s first term as US president was anarchic,have a look at what he plans if he gets back in the White House.

  • byStephen Bartholomeusz
How US fast food giants are supersizing investment in China

How US fast food giants are supersizing investment in China

Bullishness for China as other industries try to de-risk and detangle from Beijing may be a profit-increasing strategy for the fast food industry.

  • byAamer Madhani,Paul Wiseman andElaine Kurtenbach
Is the world on the brink of a second cold war?

Is the world on the brink of a second cold war?

A senior International Monetary Fund executive has warned that the rivalry between the US and China could lead to Cold War II and reverse decades of global integration and growth.

  • byStephen Bartholomeusz
Chinese giants lose billions as Biden inflicts pain

Chinese giants lose billions as Biden inflicts pain

The latest US tech crackdown is threatening China’s artificial intelligence capabilities,and hurting some of its biggest companies.

  • byStephen Bartholomeusz
Russia’s ambitious goals are under attack

Russia’s ambitious goals are under attack

The US is trying to kill off a giant project that is key to Russia’s future - and Australia is in line to benefit.

  • byStephen Bartholomeusz
Albanese’s high wire walk delivers promising result for Australia

Albanese’s high wire walk delivers promising result for Australia

The relaxed atmosphere in the Great Hall of the People in Beijing is good news for Australia – at least on the economic front.

  • byDavid Crowe