Camouflage designs may be hot fashion items,but they can get you into trouble in some countries.

Camouflage designs may be hot fashion items,but they can get you into trouble in some countries.Credit:Getty Images

I’d worn that same gear in plenty of other countries and it had never been a problem,but no surprise that in some places,a man with a holster buckled at his side causes alarm.

What you might wear or the gear you might use at home can land you in hot water when you’re out in the wider world.

Camouflage gear

Love the camo look? Those mottled khaki pants with multiple pockets and zippers are just the thing for a gorilla spotting trip in Uganda or birdwatching in Costa Rica,but on the streets of Oman’s Muscat,Jamaica’s Kingstown or Lusaka in Zambia,they’re going to attract the wrong sort of attention. In those countries and several more in the Caribbean,the Middle East and parts of Africa,camouflage gear says the wearer might be associated with rebels,a terrorist organisation or foreign military – and that’s a problem. That might invite questions,such as “Which military are you with? Are you an aspiring mercenary looking for employment?” Camo gear is also great for hiding stains,but that explanation is unlikely to get you out of a tight spot.


Drones are strictly controlled in many countries.

Drones are strictly controlled in many countries.Credit:iStock

“Why do you need a drone?” That was the beginning of a recent conversation I overheard at the customs desk at Delhi’s Indira Gandhi International Airport. Drones are not illegal in India but they are regulated. Only Indian citizens are allowed to operate a drone,and they need to be registered with the Directorate General of Civil Aviation. Drones make you into an all-seeing eye god.


St Mark’s Square in Venice,Tiger’s Nest Monastery in Bhutan,Niagara Falls,lava flows in Iceland,Morocco’s Sahara dunes and wildlife in Tanzania’s Ngorongoro Crater will give you awesome drone footage,but Morocco,Bhutan and Egypt are just some of the countries where drones are prohibited. Enter with a drone and it will be confiscated. Fly one anywhere in those countries and you could end up in jail. In 2019,two Australian bloggerswere arrested in Iran when they flew a drone near a military installation and spent more 10 weeks in jail before they were finally released in a prisoner exchange with an Iranian citizen imprisoned in Australia.

Satellite phones

Some countries have an outright ban on satellite phones.

Some countries have an outright ban on satellite phones.Credit:Alamy

They’re the ultimate communication tool,capable of making and receiving phone calls from just about anywhere on the planet with the right provider. That makes them highly suspect in the eyes of governments that want to exercise control over the communications that take place within their borders.

Since they transmit and receive via satellite rather than ground-based systems,these phones can’t be easily monitored by government agencies and for some regimes that’s a problem since they’re ideal for espionage. A few countries ban them outright including Cuba,China and North Korea,while Russia,India and Iran restrict their use.

Cameras in the wrong places

Taking photos of the Pentagon is prohibited.

Taking photos of the Pentagon is prohibited.Credit:iStock

Some countries regard bridges,airports,railway lines and even dams as strategic assets,and therefore photographing them is forbidden. Military facilities and personnel are also off limits except when the military are on parade,such as the changing of the guard at Buckingham Palace or the guards in Moscow’s Red Square. Although the ruling is much abused,you’re not supposed to take photos of the Pentagon except within the Pentagon Memorial Grounds.


Authoritarian regimes are highly sensitive to photographs. Snap a photo of government buildings or police in Turkmenistan and you can expect trouble,and all government buildings have a police presence.

But a turnaround on GPS devices

These devices which use satellites to triangulate your exact location to within a few metres once raised suspicions in some countries but that particular cat is out of the bag. Any smartphone can give you accurate geographic coordinates,and who’s going to worry about someone carrying a smartphone?

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