Credit:Art by Eliza Iredale

6.15am A vanilla smoothie with banana,watermelon,berries,a protein supplement and collagen powder to fuel my morning mega reformer workout.

9am A soy latte with honey on the way to work,then a banana when I arrive.

12pm My go-to Uber Eats lunch order is Japanese miso soup and teriyaki salmon sushi.

4pm Before my last meeting,I snag a chocolate cookie from our office cookie jar.

7pm A classic roast chicken dinner with roast potatoes and an array of sautéed vegetables,including broccolini and sweet potato.

8pm I put my daughter Estelle to bed,which usually involves reading some of her favourite stories. I do this while sipping on chamomile tea with ginger and honey.

Dr Joanna McMillan says:


Top marks for… Your dinner,the only meal with vegetables. The broccolini is especially good as cruciferous vegies are associated with a lower risk of colon cancer,amid other benefits. Japanese food is generally a terrific takeout choice as sushi is low GI (the carbs from the rice are slowly absorbed) and the salmon adds protein and omega-3s.

If you keep eating like this you’ll… Fall short on calcium – crucial in your 50s,when bone density drops significantly. Your protein powder has many nutrients added but not calcium and you have very few calcium-containing foods. You need at least three dairy foods or calcium-rich alternatives daily to meet your needs.

Why don’t you try… Ensuring your soy milk is fortified with calcium and adding a serve to your smoothie. Add a salad with tofu to your lunch. Swap the cookie for a handful of almonds and a yoghurt with berries.

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