The size of the average Australian home loan has jumped despite interest rate rises punishing borrowers and house prices cooling in some markets.
Millions of Australians collectively carrying more than $43 billion in student debts have faced problems getting a mortgage. Now they may have a chance to buy a home.
Every person my age who I know who has a house had help from their parents. We’re now living in an inheritocracy,so I’m going to live a little.
Even as the richest generation,two-thirds of Baby Boomer retirees who rent are living in poverty – and the housing crisis will make it worse for future generations.
Sydneysiders are more likely to back more residences in their own neighbourhood than they were two years ago,but many are unconvinced by apartment living.
Even where homes are not necessarily affordable,there are some substantial price reductions on offer to potential buyers.
Students such as Neeve Nagle are spending more than half their income on rent as the cost of university accommodation skyrockets.
City-dwellers have been moving to the coast and country for a more relaxed lifestyle and cheaper housing,but there can be a hidden cost.
Australians spent a record amount on property last year and are pinning their hopes on an interest rate cut in February.
A dramatic bid to have ATC chairman Peter McGauran removed is threatening a multibillion-dollar deal for 25,000 new homes.