Pooja Mathur and her children Rishith (back) and Rivaan.

More families choosing private schools despite soaring tuition fees and cost of living

Enrolments at non-government schools outpaced growth in the public sector,continuing a trend away from state schools.

  • Alex Crowe


Waverley Christian College principal Rod Ramsay (second from right) with (from left) head of secondary school Andrew Bawden and year 11 students Zoe Setiawan,Amy Conlon and Jonathan Tan.

The low-fee private schools outperforming their rich rivals

Enrolments in private schools in some parts of Melbourne have increased by up to 45 per cent over three years,partly driven by demand for lower-fee non-government schools.

  • Daniella White
A Joint Standing Committee on Electoral Matters report called for mandatory civics course for years 11 and 12 students.

Compulsory civics lessons push amid escalating antisemitic attacks in Sydney

The state’s top private school told parents it will review its curriculum programs to ensure it’s emphasising “the importance of tolerance and understanding”.

  • Lucy Carroll
Melinda and Alan with their children Ivy-Rose,14,Lara,13 and Orlando,11.

Where your neighbours send their kids to school

Where you go to school follows a typical pattern in Sydney,but top-performing schools with good reputations have the ability to upend an entire suburb’s enrolment demographics.

  • Christopher Harris andCraig Butt
Newington College is set to go co-ed from 2026.

Historians and lexicologists to give expert opinion in Newington co-ed court battle

Newington College’s plans to begin admitting girls from next year are set to hinge on a legal interpretation of a 152-year-old trust deed.

  • Lucy Carroll
Jenny Allum

Head of top Sydney private girls’ school to retire after 30 years

The SCEGGS school board announced Jenny Allum would retire at the end of this year after serving as principal since 1996.

  • Lucy Carroll
Employers must provide information about face-to-face teaching hours,extracurricular requirements and release time for senior teachers.

‘Big breakthrough’:Private schools to disclose teachers’ extra hours under new deal

Private schools will need to be upfront with teachers about how many hours they will need to spend running extracurricular activities under a new pay deal.

  • Christopher Harris andLucy Carroll
Rosebank College

‘Demand is there’:Sydney private high school opens doors to years 5 and 6

Rosebank College will expand to take primary years,while an all-boys north shore private secondary school says opening primary grades is under “ongoing consideration”.

  • Lucy Carroll
Coroner Audrey Jamieson found “clear and cogent evidence that the failures and shortcomings of World Challenge Expeditions and Kilvington Grammar” contributed to Lachlan’s death.

‘Devastating and unimaginable’:Private school fined over student’s death after overseas trip

Lachlan Cook’s trip to Vietnam with Kilvington Grammar should have been a highlight of his school years. Instead,it led to his death when his diabetes was mismanaged.

  • Caroline Schelle
(Clockwise from left) Zac and Alex Boyd-Plymin,Ranveer and Rajveer Verma,Jacob and Olivia Kristiansen,and Ranbir and Harbir Brar are four of the five sets of twins starting year 7 at Marymede Catholic College’s new campus in Doreen.

The Melbourne suburbs facing the back-to-school crunch

As a million students return to their classrooms this week,schools are struggling to meet growing student demand.

  • Noel Towell andDaniella White