Environment Minister Greg Hunt approves dredging at Abbot Point for Galilee Basin mines

Environment Minister Greg Hunt approves dredging at Abbot Point for Galilee Basin mines

Federal Environment Minister Greg Hunt has approved the dredging and dumping of spoil on land to make way for the expansion of the Abbot Point coal terminal in north Queensland and the shipment of coal from Queensland's vast Galilee Basin.

  • byLisa Cox


Malcolm Turnbull's first 100 days as Prime Minister:Successes and problems

Malcolm Turnbull's first 100 days as Prime Minister:Successes and problems

December 23 marks 100 full days as Prime Minister for Malcolm Turnbull. How has he fared? Lisa Cox looks at his successes and the headaches.

  • byLisa Cox
Incoming ABC boss Michelle Guthrie defends independence of national broadcaster

Incoming ABC boss Michelle Guthrie defends independence of national broadcaster

Incoming ABC boss Michelle Guthrie has defended the national broadcaster's place as a"true independent public broadcaster"after being announced as Mark Scott's successor.

  • byLisa Cox
Tax transparency:Crack down on big companies before cutting welfare,say crossbenchers

Tax transparency:Crack down on big companies before cutting welfare,say crossbenchers

The government should not cut benefits to low-income earners if it won't crack down on tax avoidance by large corporations,which costs the budget billions in revenue,crossbenchers say.

  • byLisa Cox
Julie Bishop defends ASIO chief Duncan Lewis over calls schooling Coalition MPs

Julie Bishop defends ASIO chief Duncan Lewis over calls schooling Coalition MPs

Foreign Minister Julie Bishop has defended ASIO chief Duncan Lewis'right to"speak out"after reports he called Coalition MPs to urge them to tone down the language they used in public discussion of Islam.

  • byLisa Cox
Turnbull government to compromise on paid parental leave'double dipping'

Turnbull government to compromise on paid parental leave'double dipping'

The Turnbull government has confirmed it is backing away from unpopular changes to paid parental leave proposed under Tony Abbott that saw new parents who claimed work and government entitlements accused of being"double dippers'.

  • byLisa Cox
MYEFO budget update:Labor signals it could block health budget cuts

MYEFO budget update:Labor signals it could block health budget cuts

Labor has signalled it is prepared to block savings measures in the government's mid year economic and fiscal outlook,including the scrapping of incentive payments meant to encourage bulk-billing for diagnostic and pathology services.

  • byLisa Cox
Queensland court agrees Adani overstated benefits of Carmichael coal mine

Queensland court agrees Adani overstated benefits of Carmichael coal mine

Environmentalists have lost a legal challenge to halt plans to build Australia's biggest coal mine.

  • byLisa Cox
Ian Macfarlane could quit politics after failed bid to join Nationals prompting costly byelection

Ian Macfarlane could quit politics after failed bid to join Nationals prompting costly byelection

Failed Liberal defector Ian Macfarlane has hinted he could quit politics after his attempt to switch to the National party room was rejected.

  • byLisa Cox
'Self-awareness is critical':Malcolm Turnbull tells how losing Liberal leadership in 2009 prepared him for being PM

'Self-awareness is critical':Malcolm Turnbull tells how losing Liberal leadership in 2009 prepared him for being PM

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has spoken of his"lonely"days in boarding school and of how losing the opposition leadership prepared him to become a better leader of his party in government.

  • byLisa Cox
'Other priorities':Tony Abbott criticises Australia's allies for response to Islamic State

'Other priorities':Tony Abbott criticises Australia's allies for response to Islamic State

Former prime minister Tony Abbott has spoken out against the international response to Islamic State and called for the"right intervention"to defeat the terrorist group.