Not so fast:Controversial MDMA drug ruling jumping the gun

Not so fast:Controversial MDMA drug ruling jumping the gun

There are still plenty of risks involved in allowing psychiatrists to prescribe MDMA and the leading substance in magic mushrooms.

  • byGillinder Bedi,Patrick McGorry andSally Meikle


Pandemic’s health legacy will plague us,and I’m not talking about long COVID

Pandemic’s health legacy will plague us,and I’m not talking about long COVID

Modelling predicted a substantial rise in mental ill-health and suicide risk after the pandemic. Without urgent reform,this legacy will lead to disastrous consequences for those in the danger zone.

  • byPatrick McGorry
Mental health needs lost in sideshow debate

Mental health needs lost in sideshow debate

The controversy over a cut to the number of Better Access psychology sessions is distracting us from a much bigger crisis.

  • byPatrick McGorry
We have a solution to lift the heavy burden of mental ill-health from young Australians

We have a solution to lift the heavy burden of mental ill-health from young Australians

The model for tackling this escalating public health crisis is already in place.

  • byPatrick McGorry
COVID debate has a detrimental effect on public morale

COVID debate has a detrimental effect on public morale

It is one of the privileges and benefits of a free society to value an open academic debate. But the rapidly shifting COVID rules and health advice has consequences for mental health and public morale.

  • byPatrick McGorry