Problems at buildings across Sydney,such as Mascot Towers,have prompted law reform.

Problems at buildings across Sydney,such as Mascot Towers,have prompted law reform.Credit:Janie Barrett

While we can be thankful something is finally being done,the minister’s assertions are overblown.

The bill will have no immediate impact on confidence in the building market because it can only begin to apply to new buildings after about 2022 and it will have no impact at all on existing housing stock. If recent research by NSW,Deakin and Swinburne universities is accurate,more than 70 per cent of strata units less than 30 years old have defects.

Since the Great Fire of London in 1666,the aim of building regulation has been to ensure that buildings are built to meet standards in order to avoid the potentially dramatic,or even fatal,consequences of failure. The NSW government's approach seems to be to ensure that building practitioners,the definition of which does not appear to include developers,should be held accountable for any future problem by making it easier to bring claims for civil damages.

This approach is the wrong way around. Ensuring that buildings are built correctly in the first place is more cost effective and less disruptive than fixing them up afterwards,particularly where the provision of access to upper floors of tall buildings can be so expensive;a $2 flashing failure repeated over 30 floors can become a $2 million rectification project.

Re-regulation has only got this far because a string of fires and major building failures in Australia,including the 2014 Lacrosse fire,the Neo200 fire,Opal Tower and the Mascot Towers structural failure have kept the issue alive in the media.Grenfell Tower in London is another grim reminder of the failure of building deregulation. An uncontrollable fire sustained by combustible aluminium composite panels on its facade led to the death of 72 people in June 2017.

It is a common misconception,clearly held by the minister,that compliance with the National Construction Code,of which the Building Code of Australia is a part,is a guarantee of building quality and fitness for purpose. Originally,the Building Code of Australia,or BCA,setminimum standards for life safety,structural adequacy and to ensure that the spread of fire from building to building could be contained by a fire brigade. In these respects,the BCA works tolerably well,although between 50 and 90 Australians die in house and apartment fires every year,which is far too many.


In controlling other aspects of building,including waterproofing,which is the largest single source of complaints against builders and developers by homeowners,the BCA has been an abject failure.

Section F of the BCA,which controls"health and amenity"including waterproofing,light,ventilation and acoustic performance (most of the things important to housing) is totally inadequate. The performance requirement for"weatherproofing"(FP1.4) is laughable:

“A roof and external wall (including openings around windows and doors) must prevent the penetration of water that could cause:
(a) unhealthy or dangerous conditions,or loss of amenity for occupants;and
(b) undue dampness or deterioration of building elements."


What are"unhealthy or dangerous conditions"? How much water will result in a"loss of amenity for occupants". What on earth is"undue dampness"and how much water is enough to cause"deterioration of building elements"? There are no answers to these questions,and this allows unscrupulous players to build using details that might be"weatherproof"for 10 minutes,but certainly won’t be waterproof in 10 years. Common failures,including the waterproofing of balconies and terraces and at junctions between walls and floors,need clear guidelines in relation to design,method and materials that is currently completely lacking. While leaks don’t cause headlines,they do create an enormous amount of misery for occupants and owners.

Because recent history has proved without doubt that self-certification in the building industry does not work,the key reform must be to put independent"eyes on the site";inspecting work in progress during design and construction. This is one of the key recommendations in theBuilding Confidence report,written by Professor Peter Shergold and Bronwyn Weir,which was presented to Australian Building Ministers two years ago. New technology can help by providing improved chain-of-custody for materials and also by delivering remote surveillance of activities on site,possibly even using AI to highlight issues,so providing proper inspection should not mean a wholesale return to the past.

The other key initiative that the government needs to take to rebuild confidence is to develop a policy for rectifying existing defective buildings. There is nothing in the current proposals about this at all.

Holding people to account is all very well but knowing who to blame when something has gone badly wrong is cold comfort. Just ask the residents and owners of Opal Tower and Mascot Towers.

Geoff Hanmer is the managing director of ARINA,an architectural consultancy,and an adjunct lecturer in structures and construction at UNSW.

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