Tony Nutt

Tony NuttCredit:John Shakespeare

More than a decade after Liberal powerbrokerTony NuttdepartedJohn Howard’soffice — where he served as principal private secretary and chief of staff — it’s great to see the ties that still bind.

Phone logs released by the Senate inquiry into Australia Post have provided an intriguing glimpse into AusPost director Nutt’s inner circle when he was confronted by the political storms unleashed by theCartier watch revelations last year.

In short,they read like a phone directory from the Howard government’s glory days.

As AusPost bossChristine Holgatefronted the stand at Senate estimates at 12.32pm on October 22,Nutt put in a call to former Howard press secretaryDavid Luff. Later,he called fellow AusPost directorMichael Ronaldson,the former minister who entered Parliament during Howard’s last term. And also Prime MinisterScott Morrison’s chief of staff,John Kunkel,who served in Howard’s secretive Cabinet Policy Unit. There were also calls to AusPost chairLucio Di Bartolomeoand AusPost director (and new ABC director)Mario D’Orazio.

Nutt has rejected assertions that he was “running the show” at the carrier,telling the inquiry earlier this month,“if I had been directing events,the wretched watches wouldn’t have been bought 2½ years ago.” Nutt says Holgate asked for his assistance after Senate estimates but at no point was he “a substitute for the chair or the full board ... I was not making decisions”.


But there’s no confusion over whose advice he trusts the most. At 8.25pm,he and Luff,who was acting as a consultant for AusPost,spoke for an incredible 48 minutes. Old colleagues with a big conundrum to discuss. They’ve been there before.

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