Princess Anne,centre,with her husband Timothy Laurence,right,and Prince Andrew (left) arrive at Christmas morning service.

Princess Anne,centre,with her husband Timothy Laurence,right,and Prince Andrew (left) arrive at Christmas morning service.Credit:AP

For the second year in a row,Andrew made the walk from Sandringham to church with the other royals – symbolic of his gradual rehabilitation within the monarchy.

While many were surprised to see Sarah’s return,it was the children who stole the show.

Holding hands with his second cousin Mia,five-year-old Prince Louis was beaming.

Mia Tindall,who turns 10 next month,walked confidently in a maroon coat alongside Princess Charlotte and Prince George,and ahead of her parents Zara and Mike Tindall.

While last year seemed a more sombre affair,with the service taking place within months of the late Queen Elizabeth’s death,this Christmas service was youthful and joyous.

The young royals had the air of an excited group of cousins - enjoying a family reunion on a Christmas morning.

It was an image that evoked the close relationship between their parents,William and his cousin Zara Tindall,who are only 13 months apart in age.


Emma Rapps,31,who came to see the royals for the first time with husband Andy,also 31,was thrilled when Sarah walked over to accept her flowers and commented on their shared hair colour.

“Ah,redheads stick together,” the duchess said,as she accepted the flowers and chuckled.

Rapps,who lives in Devon,said:“I think it was lovely when they first came to the church. It was the first time we saw her,and I was really pleasantly surprised.

“It was a lovely comment to make,and she’s right:redheads do need to stick together.”


Barbara Locke,80,from Sleaford,Lincs,has been travelling to Sandringham each Christmas Day for more than 30 years to see the royal family.

She said of Sarah:“She’s a nice girl,she fits in and I think she’s genuine. She’s lovely and I like seeing her with the royal family again.

“I’m a royalist,I love the royals. I shook the King’s hand,that’s made my day. I’m happy.”

Rachel Bylo,85,travelled from St Albans and got the chance to wish the duchess a Merry Christmas:“I suppose I’m a royalist and this was a good spot to see all of them.

“Sarah’s girls are here,so it’s nice to have her here with her girls - Eugenie and Beatrice are lovely.”

The Telegraph,London

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