Emma and Lee Lovell. Emma was killed and Lee injured during the confrontation at their home.

Emma and Lee Lovell. Emma was killed and Lee injured during the confrontation at their home.

Police charged two 17-year-olds over Lovell’s death.

In a Supreme Court hearing for one of the teenagers,who this year pleaded guilty to murder,burglary,malicious act with intent,and assault occasioning bodily harm,black-and-white footage from the Lovells’ CCTV cameras was shown.

The footage,from a camera angled towards the Lovells’ front door,showed two young men stealthily and slowly entering the home,before emerging seconds later,fighting with the Lovells.

The young men could be seen grabbing both Lovells before the altercation spilled out onto the front lawn.

The scene in North Lakes the morning after.

The scene in North Lakes the morning after.Credit:Jocelyn Garcia

The video shown to the court ran for less than two minutes.

A separate audio recording of the incident ran for 59 seconds,in which the Lovells can be heard screaming “Stop!” repeatedly.


Crown prosecutor David Nardone said the teenager was one of the two young men in the footage and was armed with an 11-centimetre blade when he entered the home.

He said the teenager appeared gleeful at finding the front door being open.

Lee Lovell outside the Supreme Court in Brisbane on Friday.

Lee Lovell outside the Supreme Court in Brisbane on Friday.Credit:Cloe Read

The court heard barking dogs alerted the couple to the teenagers’ presence,and the Lovells confronted them.

Nardone said the teenager used the knife to stab Mr Lovell in the back twice,and Ms Lovell once,in the left ventricle of her heart.

The prosecution submitted the inference that the use of the knife was with such force the blade snapped at the handle,and the offence was particularly heinous. If the offence of murder by a juvenile is found to be heinous,a judge can sentence them to more than the 10-year maximum.

To escape,the teenager kicked Mr Lovell several times to the head,the court heard.

The teenager was later found with blood splatter on his shorts,and the Lovells’ DNA on his shoes and under his fingernails.

His DNA was found on the Lovells’ doorway.

The court heard the teenager had a criminal history,including 16 previous home invasions.

Nardone said the teenager was under a probation order at the time of Ms Lovell’s death.

In a victim statement to the court,Mr Lovell told of how his wife’s death had forever changed his life,and that of his family.

“I feel so lost in life without her. We were more than just a couple,we were best friends,” Mr Lovell said.

He told the court how the family had been saving for a holiday to Italy,to celebrate their 20th wedding anniversary,and to show their children where they were married.

He said the family were law-abiding citizens who deserved to feel safe,but they had since realised they were not the only family affected by the youth crime epidemic.

The teenager’s defence barrister,Scott Lynch,told the court his client had grown up in chaotic circumstances,suffering after the death of his grandmother and moving between relatives,and drinking alcohol from a young age.

The teenager was not someone who could sit and speak about his feelings,including when he read victim impact statements,Lynch told the court.

“This wasn’t an intentional murder,” he said.

Lynch said the teenager was also affected by the death of his stepbrother,who he considered a brother,in March 2022,which led to self-destruction and homelessness.

“By Christmas,he had been really on a bender,for at least three days,” he said.

Outside court,Mr Lovell told reporters when he first saw the teenager at his arraignment earlier this year,he could not take his eyes off him. But on Friday,he said he did not want to look at him.

He said it seemed the government was reluctant to do much about addressing youth crime.

“I think leading up to the elections...they’re saying what they can to keep themselves in power,” he said.

“I know they’re talking a lot about detention as a last resort. For us,that’s too late. For me,it’s sentencing change I’d like to see.”

Mr Lovell said he and his daughters were struggling,but taking each day at a time.

“It seems really bizarre to say like,I want to move on with my life a little bit because it feels like I’m leaving Emma behind,but it is what is,and I’ve just got to do it.”

Justice Tom Sullivan was expected to reserve his sentence for a later date.

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