Realistically,the government would crystallise a loss of the order of tens of billions of dollars if the NBN was sold – and that assumes someone would want to buy it.
After weeks of debate about the Middle East,the government will try to force the opposition’s hand on the $51 billion internet network.
Grassroots Labor members say they are “deeply concerned” by the mooted sell-off of the Registry of Births,Deaths and Marriages.
Treasury sought advice from investment banks earlier this year as part of a review to see how much money could be raised from privatisation of public assets.
A potential liability of up to $4.3 billion is contained in previously secret deals that will be revealed by NSW Treasurer Daniel Mookhey on Thursday.
The Spirit of Australia,by government decree,was profit maximisation. Joyce was acting within that spirit.
A Sydney Water industrial dispute has intensified as the union calls for its managing director to be sacked,claiming he banned employees from viewing union websites.
Opposition Leader John Pesutto wants the Victorian government to stop sending so much work to outside consultants,and has promised tougher anti-corruption measures under a Coalition government.
That the outgoing NSW government entered secret contracts for $5 billion on privatised bus services just before the election is disturbing at a number of levels.
The previous state government signed multiple long-term deals with private bus operators in the months leading up to the election.
Chris Minns will reveal the details of Sydney’s multibillion-dollar tolling deals if he wins the election,including any potential compensation to motorway giants.