US energy secretary Chris Wright and US President Donald Trump.

Trump’s energy chief wants Australia to go nuclear

US energy secretary Chris Wright – who claims net zero goals are “sinister” and has denied the science of climate change – welcomes Australia building reactors.

  • Mike Foley


Russian drone attack damages Chernobyl nuclear plant’s shelter,Zelensky says

Radiation levels have not increased,the Ukrainian president and the UN atomic agency say.

  • Reuters
Opposition Leader Peter Dutton has pledged to build seven nuclear power stations across the country,which according to government data would use more water than the existing coal plants.

Revealed:The water supply risks posed by Dutton’s nuclear plan

The Albanese government has released modelling to attack Peter Dutton’s energy plan,warning farmers will have to give up water to nuclear reactors.

  • Mike Foley
Peter Dutton says nuclear power will bring down prices by 44 per cent,but new analysis argues it will add more than $1000 to the power bills of people with rooftop solar.

Dutton defends nuclear costings as opponents warn of power bill hit

Liberal leader Peter Dutton says his nuclear plan will slice power bills by 44 per cent,but new research argues it will make power more expensive.

  • Shane Wright
This satellite picture shows a laser-ignited fusion research centre located in Mianyang,China.

Images show China ‘building laser-ignited fusion research centre’ in challenge to US

The experiment bay at the Chinese facility is believed to be about 50 per cent bigger than one in the United States,currently the world’s largest.

  • Gerry Doyle

Heard about the shock jock who’s now a clean energy champion? That’s me

I’m not an environmentalist,I’m a pragmatist. I know that clean,renewable energy makes the most sense for Australia.

  • Chris O'Keefe
Santos’ Moomba carbon capture and storage project in South Australia.

Why Japan’s power plants want to bury their emissions in the outback

The start-up of a giant project to bury carbon dioxide in the desert has given Santos greater confidence as it progresses talks with Japan’s big emitters.

  • Nick Toscano
Mining magnate Andrew Forrest has been working with experts on the uses of AI since 2019.

‘No harm to citizens’:Forrest facilitates historic US-China talks on AI,nuclear security

Mining billionaire Andrew Forrest has helped bring about the first public discussions between the US and China on artificial intelligence and its influence on military and nuclear security.

  • Alex Condon
Peter Dutton says the nuclear waste problem is not his to solve.

There’s a gaping hole in Dutton’s nuclear plan. He says it’s Albanese’s problem to solve

Those who fear they will bear the burden of his nuclear power scheme want answers from the opposition leader.

  • Julia Carr-Catzel
 Peter Dutton

Dutton’s nuclear plan will never happen,but it’s still a gem of a policy

Opposition Leader Peter Dutton’s policy will almost certainly never get off the ground,but it has solved a deep and long-standing problem in the Coalition.

  • Christopher Pyne