Fears for school students left to their own devices

Fears for school students left to their own devices

Nine out of 10 parents admit they too are distracted by their own devices,making it difficult for them to be role models for their kids.

  • byJordan Baker andJosh Dye


Social media minefield trips up aspiring politicians

Social media minefield trips up aspiring politicians

Controversial tweets and text messages can be enough to cut short a political career before it even begins.

  • byNick Enfield
We have an opportunity to get online safety laws right - why rush them?

We have an opportunity to get online safety laws right - why rush them?

A new Online Safety Bill is set for a vote in the Senate only eight business days after the public consultation on the draft legislation closed.

  • bySunita Bose
'Huge trove'of social media account data found on unsecured server

'Huge trove'of social media account data found on unsecured server

Information from about 2 million Australian social media users was found on a database belonging to Chinese company,cybersecurity researchers say.

  • byFiona Willan
It’s time for a digital detox. You know you need it

It’s time for a digital detox. You know you need it

Before the pandemic,my average daily screen time was three-and-a-half hours. Over the past eight months,that's nearly doubled. So I turned to psychology experts for their advice.

  • byBrian X. Chen
Kurt,that porn footage will never go away

Kurt,that porn footage will never go away

One NRL star's horrifying experience - the distribution of a porn video shot eight years ago - is a cautionary tale for anyone who shares their personal life so it can be shared on the internet:it can come back to haunt them.

  • byJoanne Orlando
The Social Dilemma spotlights a daunting new world
Social media

The Social Dilemma spotlights a daunting new world

Social media is not going anywhere. We need to learn how to live with it. And we need to teach our children how to live with it too.

  • The Herald's View
Commonwealth to embark on major digital upgrade of government services

Commonwealth to embark on major digital upgrade of government services

Digital government services will get significant upgrades in the federal budget,including face verification technology.

  • byRob Harris
Social discord:online communities are supposed to bring people together,so why do they often tear us apart?

Social discord:online communities are supposed to bring people together,so why do they often tear us apart?

As we wrestle a pandemic,online communities are proving crucial. But can humans behave well enough to avoid them becoming toxic pits of competing agendas and personality disputes?

  • byMelissa Fyfe
Are puzzles the perfect isolation activity?

Are puzzles the perfect isolation activity?

Doing a jigsaw puzzle not only keeps boredom at bay,it offers a host of other benefits.

  • byEvelyn Lewin
Man charged over sexual assault of girl,four others held in online sting

Man charged over sexual assault of girl,four others held in online sting

Parents are being reminded to speak to their children about online safety after a man was charged with sexually assaulting a girl he met on social media.

  • byJenny Noyes