Young Australians should score Labor’s housing policy gymnastics harshly

Young Australians should score Labor’s housing policy gymnastics harshly

The ALP’s backflips on property taxes are a betrayal of Australians squeezed out of the housing market,especially the young.

  • byJessica Irvine


Federal Labor dumps negative gearing policy,backs tax cuts

Federal Labor dumps negative gearing policy,backs tax cuts

Labor went to both the 2016 and 2019 elections promising to halve the 50 per cent capital gains tax deduction and limit negative gearing to new properties only.

  • byRob Harris
The top 5 reasons why house prices keep going up and up

The top 5 reasons why house prices keep going up and up

Sydney’s property market is going through the roof ... again. So what are the factors driving prices ever northwards and why are we content to allow the boom to continue?

  • byCaitlin Fitzsimmons
‘Hold on to that hatred’:Boomers aren’t to blame for Australia’s property mismatch

‘Hold on to that hatred’:Boomers aren’t to blame for Australia’s property mismatch

I worry about the future of this country when even the most basic of needs – housing – is out of reach.

  • byLiz Allen
Private landlords are losing billions. Should we keep picking up the tab?

Private landlords are losing billions. Should we keep picking up the tab?

The reality is that private rental housing guzzles government subsidies that in total dwarf what we put into public housing.

  • byDavid Hayward
Inner-city rental markets stabilising in Sydney and Melbourne as restrictions ease

Inner-city rental markets stabilising in Sydney and Melbourne as restrictions ease

Sydney and Melbourne’s inner-city rental markets are starting to recover after months of falling rents and surging vacancies due to closed international borders and restrictions hitting CBDs.

  • byJennifer Duke
NZ kills tax loophole on property to slow soaring house prices

NZ kills tax loophole on property to slow soaring house prices

The Ardern government will effectively kill New Zealand’s version of negative gearing as it tries to slow 25 per cent spike in house price growth.

  • byShane Wright
Under pressure:What landlords can do to retain tenants

Under pressure:What landlords can do to retain tenants

It’s better to keep a tenant in a property now,rather than waiting months without rent and hoping to get someone in at a higher price.

  • byEmily Chantiri
If Labor is ‘on your side’,it shouldn’t dump its plan to limit negative gearing

If Labor is ‘on your side’,it shouldn’t dump its plan to limit negative gearing

Surely Labor should be acting to make renting more secure and to make it easier for you or your children to buy your own home.

  • byJoel Dignam
All eyes on RBA as Sydney house prices soar

All eyes on RBA as Sydney house prices soar

Detached house prices are now so high in Sydney that even fairly modest percentage increases translate into large sums of money.

  • The Herald's View
The best way to borrow for an investment property
Home loans

The best way to borrow for an investment property

The problem with not paying principal on a mortgage is that you are relying on price growth to build equity in your property. And you do eventually want to pay it off.

  • byNicole Pedersen-McKinnon