A lip reader says Charles grumbled to Camilla after his carriage arrived early.

A lip reader says Charles grumbled to Camilla after his carriage arrived early.Credit:AP

King Charles has reportedly decreed that his will be a pared-down monarchy,but then he ordered the golden carriage? Cinderella would have thought it too much. I’m not knocking the ceremony – I greatly enjoyed it. But minimalist it wasn’t.

The whole thing was artfully arranged for public consumption – down to the exquisite music and the camera angles set up in the Abbey (I wanted to see more of Prince Harry’s facial expressions,but sadly the Palace-controlled CCTV feed did not allow for Harry-cam). But the event was so colourfully bonkers and at times,so strange,that in a perverse way,it felt like something very private,between the British King and his subjects,that the rest of us were only allowed to gawp at by mistake.

My favourite article on the coronation came fromUS magazineVanity Fair,where they explained to baffled Americans that Charles is “essentially the CEO of the monarchy,which can be compared to what Americans would consider a nonprofit supporting historical preservation and charity across the country”.

The Brits should take note – it’s quite a good working definition of what a modern monarchy might look like. And they badly need a new definition because the coronation exposed the confusion at the heart of the contemporary,post-Elizabeth II Royal Family.

A pared-down monarchy. So who ordered the golden carriage?

A pared-down monarchy. So who ordered the golden carriage?Credit:Photo by Dan Kitwood/Getty Images

They seem torn between tradition and modernity and unable to answer questions about the morality of their opulence during a cost of living crisis. (TheUK has had nearly no economic growth for a decade;by 2024,the average UK household will have a lower standard of living than the average household in Slovenia.)

The Commonwealth countries and former colonies (including Australia) were included in the event,but critiques of British colonial history are unlikely to vanish,and the monarchy,rightly or wrongly,is often the target.


The ceremony also laid bare the class hierarchy which still underpins British society,of which the royals sit atop. This is a family with an order of precedence.

Harry,the estranged second son,was on the same row – the third back – as his disgraced uncle. By contrast with the other men of his family,all wearing fancy dress bequeathed to them by Charles’ mummy,Harry looked normal. He was the unobtrusive guy turning up to the family event out of duty,dashing out as quickly as he could afterwards.

Prince Harry. The unobtrusive,normal royal.

Prince Harry. The unobtrusive,normal royal.Credit:Getty

And yet,Harry is not normal. He allowed the designer label Dior to use him as advertising by wearing one of its suits to the event – single-handedly inventing an entire new genre of social media influencer. Not that he was alone – the coronation guest list was populated by celebrities much more interested in taking photos of themselves than of the marvellous historical event for which they had a front-row seat. This is a new kind of royal power,one aligned with the values of neo-liberalism,and Harry seems to understand it well.

Shakespeare made monarchs his great subject,but Shakespeare’s monarchs all have power,so Shakespeare’s true subject is politics,and the way power interacts with character.


Today’s monarchs have no real power,although Charles has shown signs that he would like some. He is a proponent for progressive issues like climate action and environmental preservation,and a strong supporter of too many charitable causes to name.

Hereportedly clashed with Boris Johnson over the former Tory prime minister’s 2022 policy to send people seeking asylum in the UK on a plane to Rwanda for processing. At a Commonwealth summit,where he was standing in for his mother the Queen,Charles described the policy as “appalling” within earshot of Johnson or his people,according to theSpectator. Johnson and Charles also disagreed on matters of architecture and urban planning,and on the subject of genetically modified foods,all things on which Charles has strong opinions.

These opinions are what makes him modern – it seems impossible,in today’s world,with its divisiveness and sharp moral debates,to rise above social affairs,queenly,in the way his mother did. But Charles’ opinions are impotent,unable to be affected through any political power.

The best he has is influence,which we know he has tried to wield,through meetings with members of the government and letters he has written to government ministers and politicians,advocating for his causes (dubbed the “black spider memos”,for his distinctive handwriting,after they were made in public in 2015).

I doubt if the Coronation shifted public opinion in Australia in favour of a republic. We have become a nation oflazy republicans,and recent global events have sharpened focus on what a populist president might look like. Charles is perfectly fine in comparison to that. There was much Australian interest in the coronation,but interest should not be mistaken for unrestrained approval.


Food prices in Britain are at a 45-year high;real wages are falling. The week before the coronation,the Bank of England’s chief economist Huw Pill said that “what we’re facing now is that reluctance to accept that yes we’re all worse off,we all have to take our share”.

The coronation seemed largely an exercise in propping up British self-esteem – much-needed evidence to the British people that their country remains great.

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